2022/2023 School Year
12th May 2023
The Year 1 children have been loving the dry weather. They have had great fun at...
LSC2 had a very special visit from King Charles III for their Coronation Tea Party...
12th May 2023
The whole school had lots of fun celebrating the coronation of King Charles III....
5th May 2023
P2 love being outside. We have been finding the signs of Spring in our school garden....
5th May 2023
We have been learning about people who help us. We discussed how important...
5th May 2023
Year 2 have started PE lessons with Activity NI and have been doing athletics. They...
5th May 2023
We had lots of fun creating colourful number bonds to make the number 9!
5th May 2023
On Wednesday and Thursday our girls’ and boys’ hockey teams both took...
3rd May 2023
The weather was so beautiful on Friday that we decided to do our spelling test outside!...
Cookstown Primary School, Coolnafranky Demesne, 20 Molesworth, Cookstown, BT80 8PF | Phone: 028 8676 2622