Water Play in Year 2
P2 have had good fun learning about water. During outside play we have been learning about floating and sinking, filling containers to find out which holds the most, making boats and sailing them in our ‘pretend pond’. We have been making a water course with the drainpipes for our ducks to race down.
In class we have been finding out about the different uses of water. We found out how water was got from wells long ago and how clothes were washed in the past. We will be finding out how we get our water nowadays and about the rain cycle. We made Save water posters on our ipads and draw water pictures during our ICT time in the computer room.
We hope you enjoy some of our outdoor play photographs on water.
Cookstown Primary School, Coolnafranky Demesne, 20 Molesworth, Cookstown, BT80 8PF | Phone: 028 8676 2622