On Wednesday and Thursday our girls’ and boys’ hockey teams both took part in their respective Tri-County blitzes.
Our girls played exceptionally well to win their group and were unlucky to be narrowly defeated by Bush P.S. in the Semi-Finals.
Our boys managed to remain unbeaten in their group stage before qualifying for the semi-finals in which they played Orritor P.S. The boys beat Orritor to set up the final against a very well organised Woods P.S. team. In the final, our boys managed to score two fantastic goals which crowned them Tri-County winners for 2023 - A fantastic achievement for an excellent, hard-working and well-disciplined team!
We are so proud of both of our teams who have been fantastic ambassadors for Cookstown P.S. throughout this year.

Cookstown Primary School, Coolnafranky Demesne, 20 Molesworth, Cookstown, BT80 8PF | Phone: 028 8676 2622