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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown

Roald Dahl Day in LSC2

29th Sep 2023

On Wednesday 13th September, we celebrated Roald Dahl Day.  During literacy and ICT we learnt about Roald Dahl’s life and what inspired him to start writing children’s books.  We looked at some of his books and most of the class loved the really popular ones like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda.  Our celebrations lasted several days because it was so interesting.  We made lolly pops in Art, created new Chocolate Sweets in Cookery, used our imagination in literacy to create and describe a new chocolate bar, sweet or ice-cream that Willy Wonka could make in his Factory, did a magical experiment with Skittles in World Around Us and finally wrote our dreams in a Dream Jar just like inThe BFG.  We had lots of fun learning this week.  Have a look at the photos and you will see how busy we were!