Access Keys:

Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown

Little Green Fingers

15th Jun 2023

ASC 2 went on a trip to Homebase, Cookstown, for the “Little Green Fingers” project on 13th June 2023. We walked there and back in the lovely sunshine.

We looked around the garden centre and found our favourite plant. We spotted two foxes and a bird – pretend ones! Andrew showed us some poppy seeds when Poppy asked – they were really tiny!

Then Andrew demonstrated how to plant a sunflower seed. First we wrote our name on a tag. Then we put some compost into a little pot. Next we put in 2 sunflower seeds, one on each side. We covered the seeds with more compost. Finally we watered the seeds carefully so we didn’t wash away the soil.

Andrew had one more treat for us – he planted a lovely big pot for us to take back to school. It looks gorgeous. We have to remember to water it and our little seed pots. Our seedlings should appear in a week or so.

We had a really good trip and want to say a very big thank you to Homebase for giving us such a lovely morning – and some lovely plants too.