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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown


17th May 2024
  Please come to school dressed in bright clothes / helmets / hats or Helmet Hair on Friday 31st May and Support Rev Dean Caskey (Chairperson of our school Board of Governors) and this great cause by donating £1 on the Schoolmoney App.     ALL money raised will be going to this cause...   Vision4kids is a Northern Ireland based charity with a school project in a small village called Kiambururu, around 90 minutes northwest of capital city Nairobi.    The primary school called Blessed Hill Academy has 160 pupils who all live in the local area, many of whom come from poverty. Their homes are small tin or wooden huts nestled on the slopes of tall Napier grass and coffee trees.    The charity looks to provide a good education while helping with poverty relief through uniforms, clothes, medical screening and school meals. The children receive a millet based porridge called Uji in the morning and a cooked meal of maize or rice with beans, vegetables and beef.    As a Christian based charity, there are daily opportunities to share Bible stories and share the gospel. The charity have partnered with a local church called Trinity Baptist who are helping with the ministry aspect of the school and outreach into the local area.    Your donation will go to the running of this Christian school. As the charity is operated by a governing board of volunteers, it means 100% of your donation will go to the project.