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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown


2022/2023 School Year

10th Mar 2023
It was a beautiful morning in Cookstown. Our fabulous, fun loving children made...
A Heartfelt ‘Thank You’ from Maud Kells! Dear Parents and Pupils,...
Crepes During Pancake Tuesday Week, LSC2 had great fun making crepes with Mrs...
Shrove Tuesday The smell of delicious pancakes filled the Y3 rooms last week....
9th Mar 2023
Earthquake zone! Year 7 have been learning about natural disasters. Sadly, this...
3rd Mar 2023
RBL Craft Fair and Coffee Morning   Enjoy!  
24th Feb 2023
Year Two have been reading all about Mr Grinling, the lighthouse keeper and his...
22nd Feb 2023
We developed our team working, communication and thinking skills with Rebecca From...