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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown


2023/2024 School Year

7th Dec 2023
LSC2 enjoyed making trifles during cookery.  Some of the children ate theirs,...
7th Dec 2023
During November, LSC2 were very lucky to attend an illustration workshop by the...
7th Dec 2023
During November some of the children in LSC2 visited the Burnavon to view their...
6th Dec 2023
P2 have been having lots of fun during play based learning. They have been looking...
6th Dec 2023
    Please read the following information relating to the LSC/ASC Christmas...
4th Dec 2023
Please read the following information relating to mainsteam P1, P3 & P5's "Celebration...
1st Dec 2023
The school is entering this energy saving competition and we would like all children...
1st Dec 2023
Well done to all our amazing winners this month! Math seeds award certificates along...
1st Dec 2023
Well done to all our amazing winners this month! Mathletic award certificates along...
29th Nov 2023
Last school year, the LSC a n d ASC classes took part in a painting workshop with...