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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown


2023/2024 School Year

8th Dec 2023
On Wednesday and Thursday we welcomed our prospective P1s along with their parents...
7th Dec 2023
Primary 4 had super fun enjoying their Golden Time Reward. Each group had the...
7th Dec 2023
Year 4 pupils were set the challenge of designing and building a vehicle using K’nex....
7th Dec 2023
Year 4 have been learning about measuring. They have been using spans, feet, cubits...
7th Dec 2023
Year 3 are having lots of fun! They have been building houses for the 3 little pigs,...
7th Dec 2023
We have been using Cuisenaire rods to make pictures. Look how creative we are! We...
7th Dec 2023
P2 love the calmness and tranquility that Yoga brings. We used our Yoga mats in...
7th Dec 2023
We are learning to write our own letters to Santa and use the Post Office to send...
7th Dec 2023
LSC1 really enjoyed our trip to the Bardic Theatre to see Cinderella. We loved getting...
7th Dec 2023
ASC2 had a great Art Workshop last year with Pamela Baxter when we painted portraits...