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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown


2023/2024 School Year

8th Feb 2024
The pupils in Mrs Agnew’s class watched an internet safety video and read...
8th Feb 2024
The pupils in Mrs Miller/Mrs Wilson’s class watched an internet safety video,...
8th Feb 2024
Year 3 enjoyed learning about internet safety. The children watched a PowerPoint...
8th Feb 2024
Mrs Boles' P5 class had their first Shared Education lesson last week. We had great...
8th Feb 2024
P4 have been having fun using the scales to weigh different item! 
8th Feb 2024
P2 have been having fun playing outside!
8th Feb 2024
A special well done to our Kindness award winners! We are so glad to have so many...
6th Feb 2024
Please read the poster for information detailing our Parents and Friends Valentines...
2nd Feb 2024
Please see the poster regarding a local information session on budgeting.
1st Feb 2024
Apply online for a post primary place for September 2024 Applications are open...