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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown


2023/2024 School Year

14th Feb 2024
On Thursday the girls took part in the Netball NI Primary School Blitz. ...
14th Feb 2024
Back in October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day by wearing...
13th Feb 2024
A Valentine Scavenger Hunt sheet has been sent home with your child today. ...
9th Feb 2024
Today we carried out a fair test to see what effect salt has on ice. We were using...
9th Feb 2024
Today we carried out a fair test to see what effect salt has on ice. We were using...
9th Feb 2024
Learning our ten times tables is easy and good fun when we multiply the numbers...
9th Feb 2024
Sincere thanks to our visitors from the Baptist Church who visited our school and...
9th Feb 2024
Sincere thanks to our visitors from the Baptist Church who visited our school and...
9th Feb 2024
Sincere thanks to our visitors from the Baptist Church who visited our school and...
9th Feb 2024
P5 thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Amazing Journey interactive exhibition from Genesis...