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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown

2024 Tri-County Winners

23rd May 2024
Today, we had two boys hockey teams participating in Tri-County Tournament held at Cookstown High School.

Our ‘2s’ played a total of 8 games - winning 2, drawing 3 and losing the rest. They were fantastic and we certainly have a few stars for the future.

Our ‘1s’ ended up topping the group stage with 7 wins and a draw, before drawing a very good Orritor PS side in the semi-finals in which Cookstown ended up winning 4-0. The boys then played a super final against their old rivals Moneymore PS, winning the final 3-0.

A massive thank you to Mrs McLean from Moneymore PS for organising a fantastic tournament. This marks the end of a fantastic season for the boys in which they have completed ‘The Treble’ of Pearson Cup, Mid Ulster Hockey League & Tri-County. This is the first time the school has completed this since 2005, which is a fantastic achievement.

Unfortunately, today was tinged with sadness as for our P7’s it was their last hockey match for the school. We are so proud of each one of them!

A huge thank you as always to Mark Cuddy, Katie O’Kane & Mr Coulter for their coaching throughout the year and our sponsors CFC Interior & Wright Tyres Newmills.